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Panchgavya For Cancer - Cancer Treatment

Cow is a sacred symbol of life and worshipped by many Hindus in Indiaand viewed as mother not only because of her milk, curd, ghee but also her cowpat and urine which have its own miracles.

These five ingredients are called Panchagavya. This urine has its spiritual cleansing effect as well.Cow is a moving mobile-dispensary which has treasure of medicines.The cow urine contains all the essential elements like sodium, nitrogen, sulphur, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, manganese, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, citric acid, succinic acid, calcium, salts, phosphate, lactose, carbolic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, enzymes, creatinine and hormones. These elements maintain proper balance between Vatta, Pitta and Kapha in human body.

Cow urine is a great remedy of many diseases without leaving any side effect. Also, the cure is not temporary it is for lifetime.



The man behind the Sansthan Jyotirmay Gaumrit Sewa Sansthan is Acharya Vijendra Kumar Bhardwaj aka Acharya V.K. Bhardwaj With his extensive knowledge, Acharya Vijendra Ji has transformed the lives of many people with the approach of holistic treatment for cancer. His only mission is to make everyone aware of panchgavya. Acharya Vijendra Kumar Ji is passionate about unveiling the secrets from the lair of Panchgavya for the betterment of the people. He is often seen sharing his life experiences, which made him a firm believer in Ayurveda & Panchgavya.

Our Expert Doctors

आचार्य वि. के. भारद्वाज

प्राकृतिक जीवन शैली एवं कैंसर रोग विशेषज्ञ, पंचकर्मा थेरेपीस्ट, सैल थेरेपीस्ट

आचार्य निशा भारद्वाज

स्त्री रोग एवं प्रसूति विशेषज्ञ गर्भसंस्कार विशेषज्ञ पंचकर्मा थैरेपिस्ट

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